Update on New Year’s Resolutions

Like all New Year’s Resolutions, mine have not been perfectly implemented from Day 1, although some have fared better than others.

On the positive, I have kept my first resolution: I have not let COVID-19 make me live in fear. I have not worried at every little cough or sneeze that I might have COVID-19. (I admit I have gone through the checklist a few times, though.) I have worn my mask and socially distanced.

To enhance the first resolution, I will avoid using the term “COVID-19” whenever reasonable and use “The Big C” instead. “COVID-19” sounds technical and carries an automatic fear trigger. There are times when the term must be used, and I will do so. However, The Big C acknowledges the seriousness of the virus without triggering the stress response.

Keeping my second resolution has not been as good, as you can readily see. I have not posted every day or even every other day. I misunderstood how the letting-me-know-a-comment-has-been-made thing works, so I’ve ended up neglecting the comments that have been made. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t even pay attention to the “Comments” menu item in the Dashboard.

Not posting frequently and ignoring comments are my fault entirely. My sincere apologies for that. On the bright side, I have learned and made a few adjustments I hope will cure these.

For my third resolution, I have outlined one book and sketched two others. I have been going over the research underlying FistFree Language™ and updating as needed. A benefit to this Checking-It-Out process has been that I have a clearer understanding of the processes. Please note that I did not say “clear understanding”, just “clearer”. I’m getting there.

One resolution that has dismally failed is my resolution to lose weight. Instead of losing any weight, I’ve made a net gain of 3 pounds. At one point, I was up 11 pounds. Not good. My Type A personality is kicking in, and I am determined to lose weight. I will lose that weight.

Overall, new habits are forming. And that’s the whole purpose of New Year’s Resolutions. So it’s mission being accomplished.


And yes, I did notice that it’s Day 33, not Day 30 when I said I’d report back. I’ll let you know in about 30 days how things are going. (Please note that “about 30 days” has a range from a few days less than 30 to a few days more than 30.)

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