It’s Canada Day

On Canada Day, we have parades, gatherings, fireworks, and endless self-congratulatory speeches by politicians of all stripes and importance. All covered on television (and now the internet) so we can watch it all comfortably from our couches.

After all, we’re Canadians; we’re not that demonstrative. When we do go out and let people know what we’re thinking (it’s called free speech), the powers that be get alarmed and panic.

Canada Day has never inspired the over-the-top celebrations of our national birthday that those south of our border indulge in. (Whew!) But that doesn’t mean we’re not glad to be Canadians.

Everyday, ordinary Canadians (if there is such a creature) demonstrate true tolerance, respect, and community. These days, people aren’t always like that. Pity.

Canada is a beautiful country, filled with wonderfully ordinary Canadians. And that’s worth celebrating.

Happy Canada Day!

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