Category Archives: What You “See”

You Are Not a Robot

You are not a robot. You are a human being. You are amazing. You can do amazing things. You can achieve great things. Because you are human. You are unique. You’re not a duplicate of anyone else. You respond to … Continue reading

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I Am Not a Robot

I am not a robot. I am a human being. We human beings — people — are amazing. Each of us is unique. No two of us are the same. We may be similar, but we’re not exactly the same. … Continue reading

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How Can They Believe That?

Years ago, I was privileged to take a summer course that included a brief introduction to political psychology. We were asked how the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) were able to change over 541 million people’s minds to accept communism within … Continue reading

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The Relaxation Response

We are not at the mercy of the Stress Response. Our system is designed for balance, for homeostasis. The Stress Response is designed to help us deal with all the challenges we face. The Relaxation Response is designed to get … Continue reading

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GAS and Coping

The General Adaptation Syndrome Dr. Hans H.B. Selye, MD did a lot of the ground-breaking studies of stress. Dr. Selye described a three-stage response to stress which he called the General Adaptation Syndrome, or GAS for short.(1) Its stages are: … Continue reading

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The Stress Response

The Stress Response is that set of physiological processes engaged when we face a challenging stimulus — a stressor. The Stress Response is commonly known as the Fight-or-Flight Response.(1) The stress hormones that are released energize your body to deal … Continue reading

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Stress: Fight-Flight-Freeze

Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it. (1) Jane Wagner has a point. Stress. Hans Selye (2) described stress as “the wear and tear of everyday life”. It’s something we all know about. The … Continue reading

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Poly Vague – Huh?

Polyvagal. As in Polyvagal Theory. A ground-breaking theory that has many practical applications. First published in 1994 by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Polyvagal Theory has major implications for how people feel safe, for social behaviour, and for emotional regulation. (1) (2) … Continue reading

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Introduction to the Nervous System – Part 1

Our entire body is “wired”, so to speak. Every organ and muscle is connected to the brain. Our skin has many sensors that are connected to our brain. Our nervous system can be thought of as a communication system, with … Continue reading

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